How to view policy details

Credit insurance help & support


To review your policy details, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Manage menu, select Manage Policy

2. Click on the Policy List tab, highlight the policy you would like to review.

Note: If you have both an export and a domestic policy, you will see two active policies.

How to view policy details

3. Click on the Policy Details button

4. On the Policy Details screen, you are provided with an overview of your policy. 

Note: If you have an export and a domestic policy, the pictogram at the top of the page allows you to toggle to the Policy Details screen of the linked policy.​

How to view policy details

Under the Policy terms section, you can click on the hyperlinks of the underwriter, risk analyst, broker contact and assignee contact (if there is an assignee on the policy) to find their email address.

You can request a change for any listed financial institution assignees by clicking on Change Assignee Contact. Complete the fields in the popup window and click Submit. Please allow up to 48 hours for the request to be processed.

Under the Pending request section, you can view any modifications or renewals that are pending for the policy. Click on the PDF icon to see any requests you have submitted.

The Countries covered section lists all countries that are covered under the policy. You can open the coverage certificate to see the payment terms for each country.  

To review your policy documents, click on the links in the Policy documents section, including the Coverage Certificate, General Terms & Conditions (GT&C) and the application submission form. 

Under the Other documents section, you can view any other related documents that have been uploaded to the policy file.

Need help?

Speak to our customer care team at 1-800-229-0575 or

Date modified: 2019-03-12