With a mandate to help Canadian companies do business in countries around the world, it’s critical that we have strong policies, guidelines and controls. Our commitment to good governance and high ethical standards is one of our core values. It is also integral to our reputation and our ability to deliver value for Canadians.


News and highlights

Picture of a light bulb representing an EDC ESG resource.

EDC’s Anti-Corruption Resource Centre

Corruption is a significant risk in many international markets. This page is your resource for essential information that can help your business adopt anti-corruption best practices and become a leader in corporate sustainability.

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Picture of a screen with gear in it and mobile phone with speech bubble representing knowledge learned from EDC ESG webinars.

The latest ESG webinars

Find out how environmental, social and governance practices can shape the future growth of your business.

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Picture of a magnifying glass highlighting a page of text to represent EDC governance related news.

Why rising geopolitical risk matters

Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine is a potentially transformative event, which has brought to the surface a shift in the global system.

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Image of 3 people discussing to represent strong governance to ensure good ESG practices.

Strong governance is key to ensuring good ESG practices are embedded across our organization and within the solutions we provide our customers.

Our ESG governance approach begins with our board, which provides oversight of our ESG efforts and contributes to the ongoing evolution of our ESG strategy. Our governance is strengthened by our ESG Advisory Council and the policies, procedures and controls we put in place to guide our actions and decision-making. These are informed by international best practices and by the perspectives of our wide range of stakeholders.

EDC’s ESG priorities are also shaped by our shareholder, the Government of Canada, through various mechanisms. This includes the annual Statement of Priorities and Accountabilities from the Minister responsible for International Trade to EDC’s Chair of the Board of Directors and the government’s review and approval of our annual Corporate Plan.


More about our corporate governance

EDC’s mandate, powers and objectives are established by statute of the Parliament of Canada through the Export Development Act. As a commercial and financial Crown corporation, EDC is governed by a Board of Directors whose representatives are primarily from the private sector. Discover more about our overall corporate governance on our Management and Governance page.

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ESG governance structure

Graphic of EDC’s ESG governance structure illustrating Board of Directors, Board committees, President and CEO, Executive Management team, Executive committees, Chief Business Office, Chief Corporate Sustainability Officer and Corporate Sustainability Group leads.


By the numbers: putting our governance commitments into action

Measuring and monitoring our performance is key to understanding where we’re doing well, where we need to improve, and what we want to achieve in the future. Details on our 2023 performance and plans are available in our integrated annual report.


Of new employees received sustainable and responsible business onboarding


Of board members hold an ESG Competent Boards certification


Of relevant employees received financial crimes training


Agreements and memberships

EDC is guided by a number of agreements and standards that form the foundation of our view of best practices when it comes to governance issues, such as the Business Ethics Leadership Alliance, the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, and the Canadian Centre for Ethics and Corporate Policy.

Learn more about our commitments


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Date modified: 2024-06-07