How to accept or decline a policy offer

Credit insurance help & support


To review and accept or decline a policy offer, follow these steps:


You will be alerted to new policy offers by a red bell, visible on the top of your screen at all times. Click on the red bell to go to the My Alerts page to view all currently available offers.

Click View Offer to go directly to the Offer screen (step 3 below).


1. Click on the Manage menu and select Manage Policy. 

2. Click on the Offers/Quotes tab, highlight the row corresponding to the offer you want to review and click on the Details button.

Tip:  Domestic policy numbers contain a ‘D’ while export policy numbers contain an ‘E.’

How to accept or decline a policy offer 1

3. On the Offer screen that is displayed, review the offer details, including the important Coverage Certificate and General Terms & Conditions (GT&C) documents, which are accessible by clicking on the PDF hyperlinks under Documents.

Note: If you have requested an export and a domestic policy, your offers will be linked through a pictogram at the top of the page. You will need to toggle to each offer screen in order to review and accept them.

How to accept or decline a policy offer 2

4. Once you have reviewed all documents, you will need to answer the “Do you wish to accept this offer?” question at the bottom-right of the screen.

Click Yes if you want to accept the offer or No if you do not.  

Note: To decline a linked offer for both export and domestic coverage, click on the picto to toggle to the offer and answer ‘No’ to the question “Do you wish to accept this offer?” You must refuse both offers in order for your refusal to be registered.

If you click No, a pop-up message with a comment box will appear, asking you to indicate a reason why you declined the offer.

How to accept or decline a policy offer 3

5. The system will send you an email confirmation that you have accepted (or declined) the offer(s).

Note: If you have both an export and a domestic policy, you will receive an email for each linked policy offer.

Need help?

Speak to our customer care team at 1-800-229-0575 or

Date modified: 2019-03-12