Description of feedback processes
We welcome your feedback to improve the accessibility of our services, programs, and products.
- Use any of the ways EDC communicates with the public to share feedback with our Accessibility lead.
- Include your contact information to receive an acknowledgement of receipt, or to request alternate formats of our plan or description of feedback processes.
- You can also share feedback anonymously.
Ways to share accessibility feedback
Canadians who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired can register with Canada VRS, a free service, to access and make telephone calls. Canada VRS callers are connected to a sign language interpreter who provides real time interpretation for the call.
How we use and safeguard your information
- Accessibility feedback submitted through our communication channels is shared with our Accessibility lead.
- Your feedback may be shared as required with other teams supporting accessibility at EDC to help respond to feedback and to support accessibility activities.
- When feedback includes contact information, we will respond using the same communication method in which feedback was shared.
- Other than anonymous feedback, we will acknowledge receipt of all feedback within five (5) business days.
- Any personal information shared with EDC is used and safeguarded in accordance with EDC’s Privacy Notice.
- When sharing feedback, avoid sharing sensitive personal information, such as medical information or a social insurance number.
- Accessibility feedback shared with EDC will be summarized in yearly reports and retained in accordance with ACA reporting and record keeping requirements.